Top 10 Tips to Keep in Mind for Your Next Date - Learnator
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Top 10 Tips to Keep in Mind for Your Next Date

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Going on dates with women can be exciting, thrilling, and an overall enjoyable experience if you put in the work beforehand to make sure you’re as confident as possible.

One of the most important things to do before going on a date with someone you’re interested in romantically is to make sure you know what you’re doing.

Don’t let anxiety ruin your chances before they have even begun! Follow these top 10 tips to ensure that your next date goes smoothly and that it doesn’t end prematurely.

1) Take your time

When first dates feel like interviews, they can be stressful and impersonal.

Remember: This person is someone you want to get to know better, not impress.

If your date can sense that you’re putting on a show—or just anxious—you may not be able to make a good impression at all.

It’s better to focus on being yourself (and having fun) instead of worrying about getting a second date.

2) Show you care

On a first date, you want to show your date that you have an interest in them.

Do not come off as aloof or disinterested! There are many ways you can show that you care about your date and make them feel comfortable, such as asking questions and giving compliments.

3) Give them space if needed

No two people are alike.

If your date needs space after a date, give it to them.

Understand that everyone dates differently and if they need space, don’t take it personally.

Remember, you are trying to start a long-term relationship with them so giving them space when needed is imperative.

4) Leave things open for the next time

Never walk away from a date or interaction feeling like it was a waste of time.

If you’re not interested anymore, don’t beat around the bush—just say so.

If you had fun but can’t see yourself pursuing a relationship, let them know you had a good time and leave things open for future interactions.

Never end an interaction on bad terms; trust me, no one wants that.

5) Try something new

The first step of a relationship is meeting someone you like.

The second step is figuring out what you’d like to do with them.

If you’re not sure where to start, look at your date’s personality and ask yourself what they seem interested in.

6) Have a great time

If you’re not having a good time on your date, things will likely turn out pretty poorly.

So make sure you’re relaxed and comfortable with whoever you’re seeing.

If it’s awkward, don’t be afraid to just tell your date how you feel—everyone wants to have a good time.

Relax and enjoy yourself! Having fun makes everything easier.

7) Listen more than you talk

You’ve already taken a huge step by initiating a date; don’t mess it up by talking your date’s ear off.

The goal of a first date is to determine if you have any chemistry with your date, so let them do most of the talking.

You can always ask questions or tell stories about yourself, but try not to focus on how much you like yourself.

8) Don’t be scared of silence

While it may seem awkward at first, silence can be a tool that brings two people closer together.

Think of it as an opportunity to reveal more about yourself and your interests.

Remember, people tend to judge on what you say, but more importantly how you say it, so don’t rush through your thoughts or comments.

Take a breath and enjoy it! Silence is golden when you can’t think of anything good to say – Unknown author

9) Keep it classy at all times

Swear words are off-limits.

No one wants a text message filled with f-bombs.

Remember, you’re trying to make a good impression here.

If you’re texting someone you don’t know well, it’s best not to overdo it on conversation topics that can get personal or uncomfortable.

The last thing you want is your date thinking they got into a conversation with an angry Facebook commenter.

So keep things classy at all times and remember, less is more!

10) Follow up immediately (if appropriate)!

You’ve got a bit of flexibility here.

If you had a great time on your date, wait at least an hour before sending a text (wait longer if you think she might be sleeping).

But if things didn’t go so well, or you need to cancel your plans with her—for example, due to an emergency—don’t hesitate.

A simple I had a great time tonight! Let’s do it again soon is all it takes.

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