10 Ways to Talk to Your Ex Boyfriend - Learnator
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10 Ways to Talk to Your Ex Boyfriend

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When you’re talking to your ex boyfriend over text, it can be difficult to know what to say to him.

After all, you may be nervous about coming across the wrong way or doing something that will anger him or cause him to shut down communication altogether.

These 10 tips will help you get your message across without putting him off or offending him.

1) Plan and Prepare Yourself

Before you get into a text exchange with your ex, it’s best to spend some time planning what you want to say.

You don’t have to write out an entire script; just jot down a few talking points or bullet points that will guide your conversation.

Your goal is not actually to talk about these things word for word, but rather come up with some ideas of where you want to go so that you don’t feel like you are stuck in a text exchange.

2) Don’t Rush It

Ending a relationship is often emotionally difficult, especially if you still have feelings for your ex.

You might be tempted to rush into making things official but don’t.

When you call your ex or send them a text too soon after the breakup, they may interpret it as you need me and want me back, which is not what you want.

If you haven’t heard from your ex in a while, though, there are certain situations when contacting them can be appropriate.

3) Do Not Show Your Feelings

It’s important that you don’t get too involved in how you feel.

Although it may be tempting, try not to show your emotions to your ex boyfriend when talking with him on text.

You never know what his true intentions are and getting upset or crying will only make him think twice about wanting things back with you again.

Don’t ever talk badly about him or put yourself down either because all of these things will reflect negatively on you.

4) Say Positive Things About Yourself

If you want your ex-boyfriend to start thinking positive things about you, then it’s important that you start thinking positive things about yourself.

And when I say positive things, I don’t mean bragging or being self-centered.

What I mean is coming up with a list of reasons why he should like being with you again and how these reasons are going to help him succeed in his life.

5) Express Your Admiration for Him

If you want to start talking with your ex, show him how much he meant to you by complimenting him on his unique qualities.

Praise what you loved about him when you were together and express how much more value he brings into your life now that he’s gone.

This can be a great conversation starter and remind him of why he fell in love with you in the first place.

Even if it didn’t work out, respect his feelings by being honest.

6) Keep Calm at All Times

There’s no sense in blowing up at your ex boyfriend over text or calling him out on his wrongdoings.

Remember, you’re not mad at him; you just want closure.

A little bit of sarcasm can go a long way, but don’t cross that line—he may not understand where you’re coming from if he feels like you’re attacking him.

7) Tell Him How Good He Made You Feel Back Then

Remember when you first met? It’s okay to admit it: You were attracted to him—but that doesn’t mean you can only talk about how great he was back then.

Chances are, he’ll be interested in hearing how he made you feel—just make sure you do it in a way that isn’t too over-the-top or gushy.

8) Ask Questions About Himself First

The quickest way to get an ex boyfriend to text you back is by asking questions about himself.

You don’t have a deep and meaningful connection with him anymore, but you can still make small talk like an old friend does.

When he opens up about his interests and passions, he will feel more comfortable talking to you again – even if it’s just in a casual sense.

After all, making small talk is one of those things that just gets easier with practice!

9) Express the Need For Time To Figure Things Out

You’re not asking for a definitive answer right now.

You just want some time to sort out what you’re feeling, and why.

It could be that you’re having some regrets about your breakup or that you think it might be beneficial to go on some dates with other people before deciding whether or not you want to get back together.

10) Be Realistic With The Timing

When you’re trying to rekindle a relationship, it’s easy to expect too much of yourself.

Try not to rush things.

You might be excited about rebuilding your life with your ex, but try not to get carried away and expect things to be perfect immediately.

Keep in mind that time heals everything—even broken hearts.

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